For what, I don't know:
Every time I plant a seed,
He said kill it before it grow -
He said kill them before they grow.
- Bob Marley, "I Shot The Sheriff"
I finally read "Planet Hulk" yesterday afternoon. Got the book for more than a year already. Even my wife's read it already. Even my cousin in Australia read it already. Even the Liffle Taffer read it already. But I did not read it - until yesterday afternoon...
I read "Planet Hulk" yesterday afternoon. I thought about Bob Marley and his song about that asshole Sheriff John Brown. I remembered the lyrics about planting seeds and killing it before it grew. And I understood hatred.
I read "Planet Hulk" yesterday afternoon. I see the man-monster betrayed and exiled. I see the man-monster down on his knees. Defeated. Weakened. In pain. In desperation. Then rising up. Fighting back. Banding with other rejects, other monsters, other survivors in a blood oath. Warbound. War creates strange allies.
I read "Planet Hulk" yesterday afternoon. I read about Miek. Nobody looks up to the insect Miek. The last of his kind. Looking for his kin. Looking for a queen. Looking to wipe away the shame of his father. Nobody knows his loneliness. Nobody knows his shame. Nobody understands why he believes in the green giant that he calls, "Two-Hands".
I read "Planet Hulk" yesterday afternoon. I read about Caeira the Oldstrong. The shadow of the Red King, his chief executioner, his right-hand. The bearer of the old power. The only woman strong enough to defy the Holku, the Worldbreaker, the Green Scar. I read about Caeira and her love for the peasants. For the peasants, she defied a tyrant and banded with the Warbound Monsters. For the peasants, she fell in love with the Holku, the Worldbreaker, the Green Scar.
I read "Planet Hulk" yesterday afternoon. I read about the Silver Savage. Once, he was the herald of Galactus, the planet-eater. Once, he was a hero. Once, he knew the Hulk as his friend, a fellow outcast. Now, he's a slave. Now, he exist to entertain the masses. Now, he's a gladiator against his will. I read about his epic battle with the Green Scar and how together they freed a world.
I read "Planet Hulk" yesterday afternoon. I read about the Red King. The tyrant who thinks himself a god, a saviour. Who rules by bread and circuses. Who is brought down by the monsters he despised.
I read "Planet Hulk" yesterday afternoon. A story of old friends and new enemies. A story of strange bedfellows and stranger allies. A story of blood (and the plants that grew in its place). A story of hope and prophecy. And finally, a story of love and hate. It's a story that haunts me. It's a story that makes me angry. It's a story that makes me sad. It's a story that reminds me about hatred and how it fuels ones actions.
I read "Planet Hulk" yesterday afternoon. I hope you'll read it too.
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