Now, anyone who knows me knows that I have a weird fixation on action-figures. I collect all sorts of weird and rare action figures and display them on my bookshelves (or some Hasidic Jews might refer to them as my PVC-Idol Shrine). I'm starting a list of entries here to post up pics on some of the weirdest action-figures that I've ever seen. [Disclaimer: They are called Action Figures. Not dolls. Not toys. Can we agree on that before we proceed?]

What more appropriate figure can you think of to piss-off Hasidic Jews and robot radicals more than this one? The Adolf Hitler Action Figure. This one presents the mustached one in all his megalomaniacal glory. You can place it on an altar and sacrifice babies to it, you can put it in your toilet and piss on it and you can even check under his coat to see if he's really got only one testicle. Imagine the possibilities..... :)
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